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  1. 日志记录



  • 最新日志:分别记录最近的debug\info\warning\error\critical等日志情况,便于查看(这里使用的是列表存储,方便添加和删除日志)
  • 常见日志:常见日志即我们认为重要的日志,比如用户的操作,加入购物车,购买等信息。这些都是很重要的日志信息,可用于数据挖掘。但是文章中并没有给出这个例子,而是,对不同的日志信息进行排序,对每个动作进行打分,从而只保存经常操作的那些动作,即表明这些操作是最重要的,有很高的商业价值。(同样是列表)

    1. 计数器和数据统计



  • 本行计数器案例主要模拟,分别在1秒、5秒、一分钟、一小时等,网站的点击量,由于需要进行排序,所以使用的是有序表和哈希集结合

  • 数据统计主要是模拟网页的加载时间

    1. IP地址等excel本地数据查询


    2. 服务配置信息动态更改


  • 文中的样例为:redis配置redis的连接配置,会将redis的连接信息保存在redis中,自动检查新的配置文件,然后更新配置到程序中


import com.google.gson.Gson;import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;import org.javatuples.Pair;import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;import redis.clients.jedis.Transaction;import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple;import redis.clients.jedis.ZParams;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.text.Collator;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Date;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set;import java.util.UUID;/** * @author: ZouTai * @date: 2018/7/6 * @description: * @create: 2018-07-06 15:23 */public class Chapter05 {
public static final String INFO = "info"; public static final SimpleDateFormat TIMESTAMP = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:00:00 YYYY"); public static final SimpleDateFormat ISO_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:00:00"); public static final Collator COLLATOR = Collator.getInstance(); private static final int[] PRECISION = new int[]{
1, 5, 60, 300, 3600, 18000, 86400}; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { new Chapter05().run(); } private void run() throws InterruptedException { Jedis conn = new Jedis("localhost"); conn.select(15); // 测试1:redis记录日志// testLogRecent(conn);// testLogCommon(conn); // 测试2:计数器和统计数据// testCounters(conn);// testStats(conn);// testAccessTime(conn); // 测试3:查找ip所在的城市及其详细信息// testIpLookup(conn); // 测试4:服务发现与配置// testIsUnderMaintenance(conn); testConfig(conn); } private void testConfig(Jedis conn) throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("首先,创建一个配置文件map:"); Map
config = new HashMap
(); config.put("db", 15); // 添加到redis中 setConfig(conn, "redis", "test", config); Jedis conn2 = redisConnection("test"); System.out.println("新的连接是否存在:" + (conn2.info() != null)); } private static final Map
(); private static final Map
> CONFIGS = new HashMap
>(); private static final Map
CHECKED = new HashMap
(); private Jedis redisConnection(String component) { Jedis configConn = REDIS_CONNECTIONS.get("config"); if (configConn == null) { configConn = new Jedis("localhost"); configConn.select(15); REDIS_CONNECTIONS.put("config", configConn); } String key = "config:redis:" + component; Map
oldConfig = CONFIGS.get(key); Map
newConfig = getConfig(configConn, "redis", component); // 判断配置文件是否相等,不相等,更改当前配置文件 if (!newConfig.equals(oldConfig)) { Jedis conn = new Jedis("localhost"); conn.select(((Double) newConfig.get("db")).intValue()); REDIS_CONNECTIONS.put(key, conn); } return REDIS_CONNECTIONS.get(key); } /** * 从redis获取新的配置文件,与当前程序中的配置文件CONFIGS对比 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map
getConfig(Jedis conn, String type, String component) { String key = "config:" + type + ":" + component; long wait = 1000; if (CHECKED.get(key) == null || CHECKED.get(key) < System.currentTimeMillis() - wait) { CHECKED.put(key, System.currentTimeMillis()); String value = conn.get(key); Map
config = null; if (value != null) { Gson gson = new Gson(); config = (Map
) gson.fromJson(value, new TypeToken
>() { }.getType()); } else { config = new HashMap
(); } CONFIGS.put(key, config); } return CONFIGS.get(key); } private void setConfig(Jedis conn, String type, String component, Map
config) { Gson gson = new Gson(); conn.set("config:" + type + ":" + component, gson.toJson(config)); } private void testIsUnderMaintenance(Jedis conn) throws InterruptedException { boolean flag = false; flag = isUnderMaintenance(conn); System.out.println("是否在维护:" + flag); conn.set("is-under-maintenance", "yes"); flag = isUnderMaintenance(conn); System.out.println("改变后,是否在维护:" + flag); Thread.sleep(1000); flag = isUnderMaintenance(conn); System.out.println("停留1秒钟,是否在维护:" + flag); conn.del("is-under-maintenance"); Thread.sleep(1000); flag = isUnderMaintenance(conn); System.out.println("清除后,是否在维护:" + flag); } private long lastChecked; private boolean underMaintenance; private boolean isUnderMaintenance(Jedis conn) { if (lastChecked < System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000) { String flag = conn.get("is-under-maintenance"); underMaintenance = "yes".equals(flag); } return underMaintenance; } private void testIpLookup(Jedis conn) { String cwd = System.getProperty("user.dir"); File blocks = new File(cwd + "/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv"); File locations = new File(cwd + "/GeoLiteCity-Location.csv"); if (!blocks.exists()) { System.out.println("文件不存在:" + blocks); } if (!locations.exists()) { System.out.println("文件不存在:" + locations); } System.out.println("将IP数据载入到redis:");// importIpsToRedis(conn, blocks); long ipSum = conn.zcard("ip2cityId:"); System.out.println("IP数量为:" + ipSum); System.out.println("将城市数据载入redis:");// importCitiesToRedis(conn, locations); long citySum = conn.hlen("cityId2City:"); System.out.println("城市数量为:" + citySum); System.out.println("随机查找ip"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String ip = randomOctet(255) + "." + randomOctet(256) + "." + randomOctet(256) + "." + randomOctet(256); String cityMessage = Arrays.toString(findCityByIp(conn, ip)); System.out.println("所在城市信息为:"); System.out.println(cityMessage); } } private void importCitiesToRedis(Jedis conn, File file) { FileReader reader = null; Gson gson = new Gson(); try { reader = new FileReader(file); CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(reader, CSVFormat.DEFAULT); for (CSVRecord record : parser) { if (record.size() < 4 || !Character.isDigit(record.get(0).charAt(0))) { continue; } String cityId = record.get(0); String country = record.get(1); String region = record.get(2); String city = record.get(3); String postalCode = record.get(4); String latitude = record.get(5); String longitude = record.get(6); String metroCode = record.get(7); String areaCode = record.get(8); String json = gson.toJson(new String[]{ country, region, city, postalCode, latitude, longitude, metroCode, areaCode }); conn.hset("cityId2City:", cityId, json); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private String[] findCityByIp(Jedis conn, String ipAddress) { long score = ipToScore(ipAddress); Set
rangs = conn.zrevrangeByScore("ip2cityId:", score, 0, 0, 1); if (rangs.size() == 0) { return null; } String cityId = rangs.iterator().next(); cityId = cityId.substring(0, cityId.indexOf("_")); return new Gson().fromJson(conn.hget("cityId2City:", cityId), String[].class); } private String randomOctet(int max) { return String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * max)); } private void importIpsToRedis(Jedis conn, File file) { FileReader fileReader = null; try { int number = 0; fileReader = new FileReader(file); CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(fileReader, CSVFormat.DEFAULT); for (CSVRecord csvRecord : parser) { String startIp = csvRecord.get(0); if (startIp.toLowerCase().indexOf('i') != -1) { continue; } long score = 0; if (startIp.indexOf('.') != -1) { score = ipToScore(startIp); } else { score = Long.parseLong(startIp, 10); } System.out.println(number); String cityIp = csvRecord.get(2) + "_" + number; number++; conn.zadd("ip2cityId:", score, cityIp); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private long ipToScore(String ipAddress) { long score = 0; // "."需要转义 for (String str : ipAddress.split("\\.")) { score = score * 256 + Integer.parseInt(str, 10); } return score; } /** * 记录程序执行时长 * * @param conn */ private void testAccessTime(Jedis conn) throws InterruptedException { AccessTimer timer = new AccessTimer(conn); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { timer.setStart(System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 4000 + 1)); timer.stop("request-" + i); } System.out.println("输出所有的分数,只缓存最多的100个:"); Set
stats = conn.zrangeWithScores("slowest:AccessTime", 0, -1); for (Tuple tuple : stats) { System.out.println(tuple.getElement() + " -- " + tuple.getScore()); } } private void testStats(Jedis conn) { List
rs = null; System.out.println("写入数据:"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int value = (int) (Math.random() * 11 + 5); rs = updateState(conn, "context", "type", value); } HashMap
stats = getStats(conn, "context", "type"); System.out.println("打印数据报表:"); System.out.println(stats); } private HashMap
getStats(Jedis conn, String context, String type) { String keys = "stats:" + context + ":" + type; Set
datas = conn.zrangeWithScores(keys, 0, -1); HashMap
stats = new HashMap
(); for (Tuple tuple : datas) { stats.put(tuple.getElement(), tuple.getScore()); } stats.put("average", stats.get("sum") / stats.get("count")); // 标准差的公式需要自行推导 double numerator = stats.get("sumsq") - Math.pow(stats.get("sum"), 2) / stats.get("count"); double count = stats.get("count"); stats.put("stddev", Math.pow(numerator / (count > 1 ? count - 1 : 1), .5)); return stats; } private List
updateState(Jedis conn, String context, String type, long value) { String destination = "stats:" + context + ":" + type; String startKey = destination + ":start"; int timeout = 5000; long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) { conn.watch(startKey); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String hourstart = ISO_FORMAT.format(new Date()); String existing = conn.get(startKey); Transaction trans = conn.multi(); if (existing != null && COLLATOR.compare(existing, now) < 0) { trans.rename(destination, destination + ":last"); trans.rename(startKey, destination + ":plast"); trans.set(startKey, hourstart); } String tkey1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String tkey2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); trans.zadd(tkey1, value, "min"); trans.zadd(tkey1, value, "max"); trans.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.MIN), destination, tkey1); trans.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.MAX), destination, tkey2); trans.del(tkey1, tkey2); trans.zincrby(destination, 1, "count"); trans.zincrby(destination, value, "sum"); trans.zincrby(destination, value * value, "sumsq"); List results = trans.exec(); if (results == null) { continue; } return results.subList(results.size() - 3, results.size()); } return null; } private void testCounters(Jedis conn) throws InterruptedException { conn.del("common:test:info"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int count = (int) (Math.random() * 5) + 1; // 随机计数加量大小 updateCounter(conn, "test", count, now + i); } System.out.println("测试1秒钟的:"); ArrayList
> counter = getCounter(conn, "test", 1); for (Pair
count : counter) { System.out.println(" " + count); } assert counter.size() >= 10; System.out.println("测试5秒钟的:"); counter = getCounter(conn, "test", 5); for (Pair
count : counter) { System.out.println(" " + count); } assert counter.size() >= 2; CleanCountersThread thread = new CleanCountersThread(0, 2 * 86400); thread.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); thread.quit(); thread.interrupt(); counter = getCounter(conn, "test", 86400); System.out.println("Did we clean out all of the counters? " + (counter.size() == 0)); assert counter.size() == 0; } private ArrayList
> getCounter(Jedis conn, String name, int precision) { String hash = String.valueOf(precision) + ":" + name; Map
datas = conn.hgetAll("count:" + hash); ArrayList
> results = new ArrayList
>(); for (Map.Entry
entry : datas.entrySet()) { results.add(new Pair
( Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()), Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue()) )); } Collections.sort(results); // 之所有组装,是为了进行排序,将旧的数据放在前面(按时间) return results; } private void updateCounter(Jedis conn, String name, int count, long now) { Transaction trans = conn.multi(); for (int prec : PRECISION) { // 计数器的开始时间(有多个) long pnow = (now / prec) * prec; String hash = String.valueOf(prec) + ":" + name; trans.zadd("known:", 0, hash); // 有序表-记录分数 trans.hincrBy("count:" + hash, String.valueOf(pnow), count); // 哈希表记录每个日志信息:(起始时间-计数次数) } trans.exec(); } /** * 测试1.2 * 记录重要日志,并筛选 * * @param conn */ private void testLogCommon(Jedis conn) { conn.del("common:test:info"); System.out.println("添加测试日志"); for (int count = 1; count < 6; count++) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { logCommon(conn, "test", "message-" + count); } } Set
commonsets = conn.zrevrangeWithScores("common:test:info", 0, -1); for (Tuple tuple : commonsets) { System.out.println(tuple.getElement() + " : " + tuple.getScore()); } assert commonsets.size() >= 5 : "日志数量不够,出错"; } private void logCommon(Jedis conn, String name, String message) { logCommon(conn, name, message, INFO, 5000); } private void logCommon(Jedis conn, String name, String message, String severity, int timeout) { String commonDest = "common:" + name + ":" + severity; String startKey = commonDest + ":start"; long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) { conn.watch(startKey); String existing = conn.get(startKey); Transaction trans = conn.multi(); // 创建事务 String hourStart = ISO_FORMAT.format(new Date()); /** * if用于判断,当过了一个小时时,将数据进行持久化存储。即程序只会记录最近一个小时之内的日志,很久以前的将删除 * 更确切的说:“start”记录当前一个小时的,“last”记录上一个小时的(完整的一个小时) * commonDest用于保存日志分数值 * startKey用于保存日志最后存储的时间(按所在小时记录) */ if (existing != null && COLLATOR.compare(existing, hourStart) < 0) { trans.rename(commonDest, commonDest + ":last"); trans.rename(startKey, commonDest + ":pstart"); trans.set(startKey, hourStart); } trans.zincrby(commonDest, 1, message); // 添加日志,加分 // 同步到最近的日志,减少客户端服务器交互:因为如果这里不处理,返回给客户端,客户端又要请求服务器保存。 // 多了一次往返 String recentDest = "recent:" + name + ':' + severity; trans.lpush(recentDest, TIMESTAMP.format(new Date()) + ' ' + message); trans.ltrim(recentDest, 0, 99); List
results = trans.exec(); if (results == null) { continue; } return; } } /** * 测试1.1 * 记录登录日志 * * @param conn */ private void testLogRecent(Jedis conn) { conn.del("recent:test:info"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { logRecent(conn, "test", "this message is : " + i); System.out.println("\n"); } } private void logRecent(Jedis conn, String name, String message) { logRecent(conn, name, message, INFO); List
recentLogs = conn.lrange("recent:test:info", 0, -1); System.out.println("当前所有的登陆日志有:"); for (String log : recentLogs) { System.out.println(log); } assert recentLogs.size() >= 5 : "日志数量不够,出错"; } private void logRecent(Jedis conn, String name, String message, String severity) { String destination = "recent:" + name + ":" + severity; Pipeline pipe = conn.pipelined(); pipe.lpush(destination, TIMESTAMP.format(new Date()) + " " + message); pipe.ltrim(destination, 0, 99); // 截取信息,只保留前100条 pipe.sync(); // 同步管道数据,获取所有的响应值 } private class CleanCountersThread extends Thread { private Jedis conn; private int sampleCount = 100; private boolean quit; private long timeOffset; // used to mimic a time in the future. public CleanCountersThread(int sampleCount, int timeOffset) { this.conn = new Jedis("localhost"); this.conn.select(15); this.sampleCount = sampleCount; this.timeOffset = timeOffset; } public void quit() { quit = true; } @Override public void run() { int passes = 0; // 清理的次数 while (!quit) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int index = 0; // 记录表下标[1,5,60...86400] while (index < conn.zcard("known:")) { Set
oneSet = conn.zrange("known:", index, index); index++;// 处理了一个 // 如果表中无数据,则返回 if (oneSet.size() == 0) { break; } String onehash = oneSet.iterator().next(); int prec = Integer.parseInt(onehash.substring(0, onehash.indexOf(':'))); int numPrec = (int) Math.floor(prec / 60); if (numPrec == 0) { numPrec = 1; } // 对更新在60秒之内的,为防止清理多次,即只清理一次,需要计数判断 // 此时numPrec==1,下列计算将不等于0,不再进行删除 if ((passes % numPrec) != 0) { continue; } String hkey = "count:" + onehash; ArrayList
keyLists = new ArrayList
(conn.hkeys(hkey)); Collections.sort(keyLists); String cutoff = String.valueOf((System.currentTimeMillis() + timeOffset) / 1000 - sampleCount * prec); int delNum = bisectRight(keyLists, cutoff); // 删除数据 System.out.println(hkey.toString() + "删除数量为:" + delNum); if (delNum != 0) { conn.hdel(hkey, keyLists.subList(0, delNum).toArray(new String[0])); // 如果删除的数据刚好等于数据的总数,则表明表已经清空,需要同时删除有序表 if (delNum == keyLists.size()) { conn.watch(hkey); if (conn.hlen(hkey) == 0) { Transaction trans = conn.multi(); trans.zrem("known:", onehash); trans.exec(); index--;// 直接删除了,需要处理index } } else { conn.unwatch(); // 不为空时,解除监控 } } } // 清理一次+1 passes++; // 使程序60秒执行一次 // 程序持续时间 long duration = Math.min(System.currentTimeMillis() + timeOffset - start + 1000, 60000); // 多余的时间停留一下 try { sleep(Math.max(60000 - duration, 1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } private int bisectRight(ArrayList
keyLists, String cutoff) { int index = Collections.binarySearch(keyLists, cutoff); return index > 0 ? index + 1 : Math.abs(index) - 1; } } private class AccessTimer { private Jedis conn; private long start; public AccessTimer(Jedis conn) { this.conn = conn; } public void setStart(long start) { this.start = start; } /** * 记录停留时间-即类似执行时间 */ public void stop(String context) { long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; List
stats = updateState(conn, context, "AccessTime", delta / 1000); double average = (Double) stats.get(1) / (Double) stats.get(0); Transaction trans = conn.multi(); trans.zadd("slowest:AccessTime", average, context); trans.zremrangeByRank("slowest:AccessTime", 0, -101); trans.exec(); } }}


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